Qprel srl

Via Fiorentina 578/D

51100 Pistoia – Italy

1. How to reach Pistoia:

From Milano to Bologna
Take the A1 motorway to Florence and proceed to Pisa Nord on the A11 motorway. Exit at Pistoia.
From Milano via Genova
Take the A7 motorway to Genoa, proceed on the A12 towards Livorno. Exit at Pisa Nord and take the A11 towards Florence. Exit at Pistoia.
Through Appennino
Take the A1 motorway to Florence and proceed to Pisa Nord on the A11 motorway. Exit at Pistoia.
From the coast
From Rome take the A12 motorway to Civitavecchia, take the SS1 towards Livorno, at Rosignano Solvay enter the A12 as far as Pisa north, take the A11 towards Florence and exit at Pistoia.
2. How to reach QPREL arriving from Pistoia:

At the motorway exit, keep to the right, follow the signs for “Firenze – Quarrata” to via Fiorentina 578 / D – Località Bottegone.

3. Map: